How Trivia Draws Works
Answer Daily Trivia Questions

Answer our Daily Trivia questions, delivered directly to your Email Inbox. You will be given a series of ten trivia questions daily that will challenge your brain. Try to get as many correct as possible. You can also try out our Speed Trivia, which will award you for correctly answering Trivia questions as quickly as possible.

Get Draw Ticket Rewards

Receive Draw Tickets for answering our Trivia questions. The more you get right, the more you receive. For each correct Trivia question, you get 10 draw tickets. Even participating will earn you a few tickets, but try to get all the questions correct to maximize your daily ticket count.

Select Your Favorite Prizes

Use draw tickets to enter into Prize Draws. We select new winners for prizes almost every day. You can enter draws multiple times, so be sure to maximize your chances of winning by entering for the prizes you really like.

Check Your Email Daily

We will send you daily e-mails with new Trivia questions as well as notifying you if you've won a prize, so make sure you check each day for our e-mails! You can unsubscribe from our e-mails at any time, but you'll be missing out on our great Trivia selections.